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Squaring The Circle ~ The Journey of the Spiritual Alchemist

Updated: Apr 26, 2021

Article first written in 2008

My logo I was 'asked' by my Soul to use for this site and to represent Beyond the Body is the symbolic representation of Squaring the Circle, a representation of uniting Heaven and Earth ~ Spirit and Matter. Here is a meandering into what this means in the context of Spiritual Alchemy, Embodiment and Transfiguration to the Luminous Self on Earth....

Squaring the Circle: The supreme goal of countless mathematicians throughout the ages has been the attempt to produce a square and circle that had either exactly the same area, and exactly the same distance around the edge! A seemingly simple task that proved impossible as the ratio between the diameter of the circle and its circumference is pi, the most famous of all irrational numbers, and is a mathematical constant and a transcendental (and therefore irrational) real number, approximately equal to 3.14159 Since p (pi) can never be expressed precisely by numbers, you can only ever know the circumference OR the diameter but never both.

In traditional sacred geometry the circle is often used to represent the realm of spirit and the square, the manifest world of earth/matter. To try to reconcile these and bring Spirit into Matter or to raise Matter Spirit has been central to mystical and magical traditions throughout history, and still holds true today. Here lies the territory of spiritual alchemy!

If this is symbolically a representation of our spiritual quest then does this mean that what past mathematicians have found to be impossible will always be so? I have come to notice in my short life that this is not a truth, that what at one point in time seems impossible becomes not only possible but eventually the norm. So, have the great minds of our history been missing a key piece of information? Has it been that there is a ‘something’ that can achieve this union between circumference and diameter, matter and spirit that until it is discovered always existed but has just been out of reach?

The Azoth pictured here is a profound image depicting the processes of Spiritual Alchemic Transformation. Learning how to read its symbology is a beautiful map showing the terrain, the signposts and the equipment required to journey into the psyche for the embodiment of Soul in form - Embodying 'Heaven' I would say the Luminous Self on Earth through our form self ~ raising Earth (form self) to 'Heaven' (alignement with Luminous Self)

I believe this mathematical quest to be a reflection of the journey we are on as souls, represented by the circle, who have manifested as beings, represented by the square in this plane of existence. Our journey is similar to that of the mathematicians attempting to square the circle, as souls in physical form we are equally attempting a task that with our present understanding of the universal laws have not discovered the key/s required to achieve this. It will only be in our further attempting this task that somehow we come closer and closer to wisdoms that previously we did not see or were able to recognise as relevant. As we continue attempting unity through our quest to become whole, the longing to ‘find’ our selves drives us on, only the Self we seek is the elusive Soul so many speak of and search for. Some I believe fleetingly attain communion with this Essence, but ultimately whilst in physical form we can never fully reconcile this. Are we now coming into a time when this could be possible?

Many on this path will say yes, we are moving into a new Consciousness, a time in the history of man where we will be bringing Heaven to Earth. For many thousands of year’s mystics, high priests and their architects have known this and used sacred geometry when constructing places of worship and places of initiation. You will find, if you know what to look for, representations of the use of sacred geometry in structures today used by secret societies, governments and royalty for the purpose of strengthening the vibrational resonance between the worlds for rituals of initiation.

With this in mind & seeing squaring the circle as an attempt to unite the physical world with the spirit world/s, the Great Pyramid is a good example of a physical place where one can bring one's physical body and experience the spiritual - this, of course, is the purpose of all sacred spaces.

The pyramid is a symbolic representation of the ladder of spiritual ascension. Usually starting from a quadrangular base symbolising the terrestrial basis, its edges and sides converge to a pinnacle. This pinnacle is symbolic of Unity, the Divine and from this, the manifestation of our surrounding world is radiating. To be reborn to the Principle we all come from makes up the real sense of this ascension, an ascension which brings the individual from its human, physical state back to supra-individual state, from the manifest world to the non-manifest spirit realm, from the terrestrial to the celestial.

Geomancers are interested in sacred geometry because it is the study of the way that spirit integrates into matter - by echoing and amplifying the geometry of nature and planetary movements, we help to align the resonance of body/mind/spirit with the harmonic frequencies of the above and the below. So it would seem that spaces that use sacred geometrical ratios enable the participant to resonate or vibrate at the appropriate rate that maximizes the possibility of connection to the One, and this is why we feel particularly connected to the spirit world in some places and feel disconnected in others?

Has it been that there is a pathway that can achieve this union between circumference and diameter, matter and spirit, that until it is discovered although has always existed has just been out of reach? I believe this mathematical quest to be a reflection of the journey we are on as souls, represented by the circle, who have manifested as beings, represented by the square in this plane of existence.

Our journey is similar to that of the mathematicians attempting to square the circle, as souls in physical form we are equally attempting a task of Divine Union. The process of spiritual alchemy, the transformation of our egoic 'lead' into the embodiment of the gold of our Luminous Self is now at hand for humanity? With our present understanding of the universal laws rapidly evolving through the opening into the world beyond this world of form into the quantum world we are at a moment of profound magnitude, a tipping point for the emergence of the Metahuman, the transfigured human the human walking in full embodiment of Divine qualities of Love!

One last thought ~ just as the mathematical problem of squaring the circle will never be attained so too we will never attain full unity with the Divine while still in form. The questing for this spiritual return Home drives us on and on the transform the energies we carry within to their fullest, finest most refined that of our Divine Essence we carry within. The quest to transform this significantly while still in body is to enable full unification with the Divine, Source, God as we leave this realm, take our last breath and return to Source ONLY due to this process of questing, of spiritual alchemy, that we in form transformed the lead of illusion into the Gold of Truth. And to do so without 'reward' in this life is the path of Soul the ego would never walk.

If you are interested in diving deeply into this mystical wisdom please come join me and the group in The Conscious Alchemist Course beginning 21st March. Hope to see you there

with Loving Blessings


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